We went to the doctor last Thursday for our 17 week check-up and ultrasound. There is no mistaking that we are having a boy! We are so excited. Chris cannot wait to have a son to carry on his family name. I'm also pretty happy about a boy because I've heard that "boys love their mamas." I had a dream when I first found out we were pregnant that our baby was wearing blue so I had a feeling it was a boy. However, everyone else said it was a girl so I doubted my mother's intuition. I'm so glad I was right!
We've gotten all excited now and started registering for items at Babies R Us. We also picked out our bedding online and it's so cute with Navy, Khaki, and Brown being the predominant colors for the nursery. We're going to paint the walls khaki and hang a white bead board chair railing around the bottom half of the room. I can't wait to post some pictures of it. Our goal is to start construction on this project during my spring break. Chris is taking the week off too so we're going to get everything going. I would like to have the nursery finished by May.
This is the link to our bedding:
You can view the furniture we picked out at our online registry with Babies R Us at: http://www.toysrus.com/registry/search/index.jsp?_flowExecutionKey=_c891C41CF-69D8-FF95-7881-0DEE9477D9BC_k17ED8A86-0B35-DE96-8129-1686047C3EF6&overrideStore=TRUS
Another new development is I've started feeling the baby move! His movements are small and infrequent right now, but it really does feel like a fish swimming around in there. I love it! I feel it most at night when I lay down or when I'm sitting at my computer at work. It's nice to know there's someone really in there. I can't wait for Chris to feel the baby too, but the doctor said it would be a few more weeks for this.
We really struggled with the name- we liked our first choice, Elijah, but we just couldn't know for sure. So, Chris put our list of 8 boy names into a bracket- yes a bracket like you would use for a basketball tournament or fantasy baseball league! It was so funny but very effective! We put each name head-to-head with another name until we had our final 2 for the "championship." And the winner was... Abram Michael Peevy. We like the nickname "Abe." We're really excited about it because we both agreed on it totally and knew it was right when we say him on the ultrasound last week.
So I'm 18 weeks now and Abe and I are doing great! I feel better than ever and I'm eating much more now than in the last trimester. I've only gained 5 pounds, but there's no doubt I'm sporting a pregnant belly. As Chris says, "it gets rounder everyday!" I love it and feel so good about gaining weight for such a good cause! My newest craving is for salads and cold stuff you get to eat at summer barbecues. For example, I made Chris take me to Jason' Deli last weekend for their soup and pasta salad I used to eat in college. It was soooo yummy! I've also been eating egg salad sandwiches weekly and LOVE anything that has "salad" in it. I'm still loving my Oreo Blizzard from Dairy Queen and my occasional french fries from McDonald's but those have been cut down to once a week. Oh, and my new favorite drink is Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb. Since I can't have much caffeine, I drink one caffeinated drink each day and it's always one of those.
The only other symptoms that are new are my heartburn (TUMS are my new best friend) and I'm so hot all the time! Chris is freezing the house as I keep our heat on like 66 during the coldest winter ever but I feel great and he's being such a good sport about it.
I'll try and post some new tummy pictures and ultrasound pictures later in the week. 152 days to go!
Monday, February 15, 2010
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About Me

- Brittany
- I am a second grade teacher at Chestnut Mountain Elementary School. I live with my husband, Chris, and our Pug, Scout, in Jefferson, GA. We are members of The Church at Southside where my husband leads worship. We are very excited to be adding to our family in July...we are expecting a son. His name will be Abram Michael and we couldn't be more blessed. We love the Lord and one another and I guess that's really all that counts. May God bless you!